
ARCHANGEL MICHAEL via Christine Preston – Experience the Merging – 1-13-18 — Higher Density Blog


by Christine Preston, https://galacticfederationoflight.wor… Christine: The following reading is the kind of prayer, or Call, you may make using the sacred tools released to mankind by the Ascended Masters through the Messengers of the I Am Movement in previous decades. The tools are the Science of the Spoken Word, a dynamic form of prayer that […]

via ARCHANGEL MICHAEL via Christine Preston – Experience the Merging – 1-13-18 — Higher Density Blog


January 16th, 2018 ~ New Moon in Capricorn ~ The Lovers Dream

The New Divine Humanity

Remember This New Moon plays out (including the January 31st Full Moon) its frequency IMPACT (all this was planned out before the first civilization~ Mu) till The New Moon on February 15th, 2018 at 5:05 pm AST ~  the IMPACT of the August 21st Solar Eclipse! Meaning the consequences…will be revealed. KNOWN. 

This is a Sacred Powerful New Moon in Capricorn on January 16, 2018 at 10:17 pm AST. This beginning, before the next series of eclipses begin (January 31st Lunar eclipse) continues to play out the success that began with the August 21st Solar Eclipse.

Love and romance, Twin Flames, Beauty, Wealth and Abundance are all in the air. Venus is blessing us.

Your Ascension and your consciousness expansion is always playing out, orchestrated through the Forces of consciousness. The activating and clearing of your memory and DNA.

All exists within you and the results are the consequences of…

View original post 474 more words


2018 Year of the Bird.


A Better World for Birds, Starting Now
Imagine nature lovers around the world working together to build a better world for birds. That is what Year of the Bird is, and what you have joined.

Now that you have pledged to #birdyourworld, your next question might be what now? Throughout the year, we will send you ways to help birds, things large and small that you can do to protect these beautiful creatures. Be on the lookout for our newsletter at the start of each month.

In the meantime, just remind yourself why you pledged, what you love about birds, and that we can all make a better world for them.




Year of the Bird
225 Varick Street New York, NY 10014 USA

Cornell Lab
National Geographic
Photo: Rolf Nussbaumer Photography/Alamyimage


The prison of our emotions

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There is a joy that opens up and permeates your being, when you can face your deepest pain directly. There is a willingness to live courageously that comes to the forefront as you sit with your greatest worries and insecurities like a faithful companion.

There is an unexpected appreciation for how well life can devastate you to your core, when blame is set aside.

Thoughts +turn into emotions emotions +into experiences= what your reality looks like,
how often the suppression of emotions occurred in your daily life.? And why? Perhaps 
it's a mechanism of protection, a hiding spot to go to,fear ,etc. the list could
go on and on, in truth our mind is always trying to protect us from a previous feeling 
the mind is the historian as I call it, it's job is to store so it has a reference point
to go to or come from, so we can say the room for growt gets limited the mind is afraid 
of change,of the unknown there for, running from the mind programming is limited 

but thankful we have our soul our heart center, which are the two mayor catalyst for the 
change and experiences we came here to have. 

How one can start to function from these centers?
for starters we must live in the present moment, this is the place where all our power
resources are, you are not your past neither your future, one has died so therefor is no
energy there, the other one, hasn't even arrived so there is no energy to work it either
when we focus our attention to what it's in front of us, we can take effective action 
and things start to change,depending on the type of action you take. Everything around us
is energy,we are  energy learning how to express this out is key in order to work with it
and not against it, when you feel overwhelm,tired,anxious,these are sintoms that the energy 
is looking for a way out,a way to express it self, we must learn how to channel the torrent
of energy being given to out planet in this monumental time of acenssion,there are different 
ways on doing this, one being, every morning you awake ,ground Your physical vehicle into new
earth ask for guidance on being present in your body throughout the day. 
Breath constantly deep breath work is KEY, it's the way the body transform its our life source
when we inhale we inhale new possibilities , in the exhale we let go of what not longer is serving
us for our highest and greatest good. Drink plenty of water this moves the energy it's kind off 
a flush out of toxins,emotions ,thoughts etc. 

be be present each time an emotion shows up, feel into it ask what is this? Breath with it
in order to move on we must face that we are avoiding to see to feel. Everything shows up
to serve us, to take us to our next level of evolution
there are times that no matter the number of times we meditate ,take classes, take activations 
things just don't improve or change, and it's then whe   We realized something else is up
remebrer the free will law, law of non interference, we must ask to our higher guidance 
for tips,solutions,ideas,they are just waiting for us to ask of their help
they love us, and all they want us is to succeed in this experience 
if you are not yet talking to your guides, maybe this year you could start to develop a moore
close relationship with them, know that you are not alone , we are never alone ever.

so as you start this year make a priority to show up for your emotions, observe them without 
any labels, maybe it's not even that you think it's . 

A lot times comes from our childhood, they love us so much but they quiet us down all the time
well now is different You can speak your truth you are not there any more
its time for you to be liberated from all these constraints of the past
You are a sovereign Being of Light. 
You are a powerful creator.
You are a powerful manifestor
embrace the Divine self that is YOU.
I Love You.
Gloria, C




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New Earth, Uncategorized

Experience an Energetic Shift to Change & Heal Your Life



join me today to listen to Dorian on this amazing call!!!

broadcast this information into your Personal Energy Field as a daily remote session for one month to help you to shift, change and heal your life. Dorian believes in maintaining the highest integrity. She has tested this modality for over 2 years before offering it to the public. She has seen powerful results in her test client’s lives and she is now offering this publicly and exclusively to the You Wealth community.

The “Monkey Mind” always wants to know and can question how a remote session is possible. Everything is energy and it doesn’t have any limits, therefore, with these remote sessions you can go about your daily life and just notice the changes!

Included in Dorian’s groundbreaking remote sessions are these protocols and areas which can help you to de-stress and release what no longer serves you:

Psychic Energetics & the Language of Light alignments and attunements
Works with Physical Symptoms & Dis-ease at a core level
Removes and clears energetic pathogens
Removes and heals Emotional and Mental Issues
Clears Ancestral Patterns & Programs
Scans & Clears your Energy Field & Aura
Balances Acupuncture & Meridian Points
Clears old Time Lines that may be sabotaging you and helps you to step into your divine timeline energy stream
Prayer Warrior Programming — there are 4 protocols where powerful prayers are sent out to every aspect of your being
Nutritional & Sustenance Balancing — whereby your energy field will be scanned so you can receive whatever you need
Key and persistent issues that show up as patterns and programs can be addressed and cleared
Dark Force energy, psychic attacks, black magic and more can be removed
Relationships can be balance and resolved
Old Resistances to change can be shifted, allowing you to say “YES” to the Universe
Key issues that are sabotaging you can deprogrammed while your intentions for your well-being can be implemented and charged
Recharging of your energy field
Thousands of years of Qigong are broadcasted your way for your healing
Reiki Balancing is applied
Stress in your life can be reduced
and much, much more!



Ascension: The Seven Levels of Initiation

anchored and actualized in the crown chakra. One of the most important ways of accelerating your spiritual progression is to call forth the anchoring of the fifth, sixth, and seventh dimensional chakra grids during meditation (and, I would say, before sleep every night). In a later chapter in this book I will give detailed explanation of how to do this.

Source: Ascension: The Seven Levels of Initiation